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Penggunaan That Clause dengan kata sifat

Apa Itu "That Clause"??

That Clause meruapakan anak kalimat atau Dependent Clause dengan penghubung "THAT". sebagai contoh ; That you are fine. Cara membuat that clause cukup merangkai That S V. Postingan kali ini akan membahas penggunaan Adjective diikuti dengan that clause. Apa saja kata sifat yang bisa diikuti dengan That Clause?? Okay. Saya akan berikan daftar kata sifat yang diikuti dengan Kalusa that beserta contoh kalimatnya.

Pola adjective dan that clause

S ( Person ) + Tobe ( is,am,are,ws,were,be,been ) +  Adjective + That S V

Daftar Adjective diikuti That Clause

Afraid of that, amazed that, angry that, aware that, certain that, confident that, disappointed that, glad that, happy that, pleased that, proud that, relieved that, sorry that, sure that, surprised that, worried that.

Contoh kalimat

I am sorry that I can't come to your house tomorrow.
I am sure that you can do it.
John is happy that he will go to Jakarta tomorrow.

Selain pola diatas , Bisa juga pola seperti dibawah ini;

Pola Adjective diikuti That Clasue lainnya

It + Tobe + Adjective + That Clause

Daftar Adjective 
Amazing that, Clear that, good that, important that, interesting that, likely that, lucky that, nice that, obvious that, possible that, true that, strange that, surprising that, wonderful that, well/known that

Contoh Kalimat

It's clear that John likes his new job
It's true that John is the smartest student in the class
It's possible that the meeting will be canceled this week.

Tambahan : kadang klausa that juga bisa diawali dengan phrase "The Fact " seperti contoh ini ;
The fact that the meeting will be canceled is true. Namun that clause pada contoh tersebut bukanlah that clause yang berjenis Noun Clause melainkan that clause yang berjenis Adjective Clause.
Untuk menguji pemahaman anda mempelajari materi adjective plus that clause, silahkan kerjakan soal soal berikut ini;
Example : What is something in your life that you are glad about??
Answer : I'm glad that my family is supportive of me.
What is something that disapointed you in the past??
What is something about your friends that pleases you??
What is something about nature that amazes you?
What is something that you are afraid will happen in the future??
What is something about your future that you are sure of? 
Nah itulah penggunaan That Clause dengan kata sifat beserta contohnya, semoga postingan ini bisa bermanfaat untuk anda. Jangan lupa , tinggalkan pertnyaan jika anda belum paham.

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